Following on from our ongoing Students and Alcohol survey and last year’s Students and Drugs survey, this 2022-23 Students, Alcohol and Drugs national survey is part of research completed as part of the Alcohol Impact and Drug and Alcohol Impact programmes. The programme is a whole-institution approach and embeds the social norms of responsible drinking on our higher education campuses. It refocuses the conversation on drugs to be about reducing harm, and building healthier, safer, more productive student communities. This involves action by local partnerships of students’ unions, universities and community organisations. The programme includes this annual ‘Students, Alcohol and Drugs’ survey, designed to identify students’ relationships with alcohol and drugs at institutions that take part in the programme and also UK students more widely. Additionally, it provides a means to understand changes in attitudes and behaviours towards alcohol and drugs.
A total of 931 responses were achieved in 2022-23 through promotion of the survey locally by universities and students’ unions. The survey was promoted by universities and students’ unions participating in the Drug and Alcohol Impact and Alcohol Impact programmes however the survey was also promoted by NUS to students in the TOTUM database.
The research covers the following issues:
Key findings include:
21% missed a lecture/seminar/class
For 25%, it has improved a mental health condition, but for 14% it has made a condition worse
36% say that it has helped them to make new friends
17% took risks with their personal safety that they would not have otherwise
Find the full report here