Training & Events

We offer a range of workshops and training which can be made bespoke upon request. All training is delivered by our in-house SOS-UK staff and is open to any institution or individual.

Drug awareness training:

"The workshop helped me develop a greater awareness of how drugs and alcohol affect students in particular, rather than the general public. For example, we learned some useful statistics about student drug/alcohol use. Additionally, the workshop helped me think about how to deliver a training session to students in the most effective way."

Alcohol awareness training:

"I loved the activities - the unit activity and the percentages activities were really good and I can see these being engaging. I liked the use of case studies and this is something I can see myself doing. I also would like to put up the 'tips for moderating your drinking' on our website advice pages"

Alcohol awareness training:

“I really enjoyed it and would recommend to others – I am looking forward to looking at the resources and how I can utilise these”